RM Analyzer Help

Schedule tab

Edit the current schedule group.

The active stage is always marked by an asterisk (*) positioned directly after its name and its header is inverted to black color.

New stages can be added (before or after the selected one) or be deleted by clicking on the respective icons in the lower part of the window. The maximum number of stages is 64.

You can scroll through the particular stages in the schedule by using the arrow buttons.

The upper group of input fields and buttons are used to input data common to all stages in one schedule group (or even to all schedule groups respectively).

Group name Select an existing schedule group name using the arrow button.
Icon Description
Insert a schedule group before the current.
Insert a schedule group afte the current.
Delete the current schedule group.
Copy the current schedule group to another schedule group.
Opens the Options - width dialog, which is used set the column widths for each item in the table.
Click to export the table report to a spreadsheet file (.xsl format).
Traveler weight Weight of the traveler (to be given with positive sign): Is used for the load case "traveler" (Single element load (Force + Moment) - FSGM). For Load explination, see the online help in RM Bridge.
Gamma Specific weight for the load case of the wet concrete. If no input is given, the value defined in the material table in the Analyzer is used (typically 25 kN/m3).
Ecc.1 / Ecc.2 Input data for the load cases "Traveler" and "Wet concrete" (element weight as nodal load at begin / end of segment - FSEGB and FSEGE). For Load explination, see the online help in RM Bridge.
Ecc. 3 Additional optional input for the traveller load. Offset of the center of gravity of the traveller load from the central axis of the two anchor points.
Prefix Prefix for the names of the load cases, load sets, and stages in the Analyzer. When left empty, no prefix is used. The same prefix must be used for all schedule groups.
First stage Number of the first stage (e.g., Prefix = STG + First stage = 1 creates the stage names "STG_1", "STG_2", "STG_3", …).
Summation load case Name of the summation load case for the calculation in the Analyzer; load case, which the results of each stage are added to and are saved as [Summation load case]-[Prefix]_Stage number (e.g., LC-SUM-STG_1. A single summation load case for all schedule groups is created.
Blisters Opens the Blisters dialog, which is used for the consideration of blister weights.
Cross Girders Opens the Blisters dialog, which is used for the consideration of cross girder weights.
LC-Names The names for the load cases "Self weight", "Wet concrete", "Traveler", "Pre-stressing", and "Creep and Shrinkage" can be entered here (or be changed respectively). The default names are SW (Self weight), WC (Wet concrete), TR (Traveler), PT (Pre-stressing), and CS (Creep and shrinkage), respectively. These are needed for the load case and load set definitions and for the load case calculations in the Analyzer (Action Calc), as well as for the load info for the load manager.
Camber By entering a label the action DoCamber can be added to the schedule of the Analyzer, in fact optionally at the begin and the end of the stage, after the calculation of the load case "Pre-stressing", after the load case "Traveler" and after the load case "Wet concrete". For more detailed information for the command DoCamber see online-help of RM Bridge.
Plots There is the possibility of inserting the command for the generation of a plot within the schedule actions in the Analyzer (Action DoPlot). The respective name of the Plot container and the Plot profile which are necessary for this action can be given here. The name of the output file is PL-[Plot profile]-[Prefix]_[Stage number]“ (e.g., PL-Vy-STG_01).
RMSets Input option for the generation of an RmSets (DgmSet) within the schedule in the Analyzer. The name of the output file is Dgm-[RMSet]-[Prefix]_[Stage number] (e.g., Dgm-Vy-STG_01).
Opens the Fill form dialog, which is used to automatically generate the schedule.

The lower portion of the dialog tab contains options for performing particular actions in the schedule group.

Replace Opens the Replace dialog, which is used to replace stress labels or blister labels or parts of it in accordance to the input. It can be performed for the active stage or for all stages in the schedule group.
Elems of Geom (For obsolete method only) Fills in the lengths of the elements in accordance to the element subdivisions in the geometry module (if defined there).
Number of elements Opens the Change number of elements dialog, which is used to change the display of element numbers in the current schedule group used for the stage actions definition (outermost left column in the window).